Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Volunteers celebrate start of transformation in Detroit’s Denby neighborhood

(CBS DETROIT) — Revitalizing communities doesn’t happen overnight and Life Remodeled knows that. 
5,000 volunteers pitched in over the last week to get that process started in Detroit’s Denby Neighborhood.
Life remodeled thanked them with a community fair Saturday on the site of their newest community hub, the former Dominican High School.
“Despite the rain, community members are showing up in high numbers to have a great time,” said Stepha’N Quicksey, Life Remodeled youth and community engagement director. “We have music, food, carnival rides, inflatables and just a great time for the community.”
Quicksey says the future home of Anchor Detroit will replicate many of the services they’ve seen communities embrace at their original community hub, the Durfee Innovation Society.
“We’ve seen a tremendous impact,” Quicksey said. “The neighborhood has the second highest perception of thriving according to some Gallup Poll data. We have also found that the neighborhood that we’re in has the lowest crime rates across the City of Detroit. We understand that Life Remodeled is just a piece of the puzzle, but we’re certainly happy to contribute to revitalization across Detroit neighborhoods.”
Even though Anchor Detroit’s doors won’t open until next year, volunteers already started making a difference by cleaning up blight around the property for six days.
